Keine Bange, auch diesen Monat haben Martin und ich eine neue „WIN Compilation“ für euch. Die alten Hasen und Häsinnen unter euch wissen ja mittlerweile, dass wir ungerne an Freitagen oder Samstagen veröffentlichen, so dass wir auch diesmal auf den 2. ausgewichen sind. Nicht nur das hilft dem Algorithmus, sondern vermutlich auch ein Thumbnail, das aufzeigt, was für alte Lustgreise wir beide doch sind… Das stimmt natürlich nicht, aber irgendwie hat sich dieses Mal wirklich wenig als Thumbnail-worthy ergeben und irgendwie passt das Rot so wunderbar zu unserem neuen Look… (Ausreden, nichts als Ausreden!)
Beste Videos im Januar 2025
„Finally February! 🙌 Fresh films fished from fabulous fabricators, formed for fricking fantastic fabricate. I can’t keep this going… 😩 The best 68 clips from recent weeks put together into a 11,5 minute long WIN Compilation, yay! What’s your favorite clips this month? 🤔“
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Liste der originalen Clips
Zum Schluss gibt es wie immer die Auflistung der Originalvideos zum Nachschauen und Einholen von Hintergrund-Infos. Die ist chronologisch geführt und entsprechend der oben links im Video jeweils pro Clip eingeblendeten Nummer sortiert. Einfach abgleichen, aufsuchen und in ganzer Länge anschauen. Plus: etwas Linkliebe für unsere Fundquellen.
2 . #3 Die besten Videos 2025 || ✪ Stern DuTube (Bowling trick)
3 . Bro is on some boss level (via)
4 . ENG)自製招財貓打雪仗機甲 Handmade Lucky Cat Snowball Fighting Robot【手工耿Handy Geng】 (via)
5 . Ghost boot sighted in Essex👻🛼 (via)
7 . Wait for it 🌪️ Square of Fire
8 . Ordered door dash and ended up reuniting with one of my long lost best friends. (via)
9 . My hardest drone shot EVER (flying through legs of snowboarder) (via)
10 . F*ck sake, just put it up about 20 mins ago.
11 . The balance & coordination skills of this German Shepherd Dog running at full speed without falling off is freakin insane.
12 . I could watch this guy all day long (via)
13 . Possibly the last divetok, so grateful for the support the last few years! 🌊🐋💦👑 (via)
14 . We Turned a Hammock into a Slingshot!
15 . 50 cordless drill powered Lada – first drive (via)
16 . From Dadbod to Chadbod (via)
17 . ELİT BİLARDO Orhangazi Stadyumu karşısı (via)
18 . Can u do it ❓😱 #handtsand #strong #shorts
19 . 初! パフォーマンスでの40連成功の瞬間 (Man Successfully Catches 40 Cup-And-Ball Toys) (via)
20 . TRANSFORMING FIDGET BALL😲 #cool3dprints #3dprinting (via)
21 . Thanks to the entire BSC Young Boys support at Celtic Park tonight (via)
22 . NSMBW World 1-1 While Playing Piano! #mario #newsupermariowii (via)
23 . Cat elevator 🐈
25 . Foldable guitar – 3D printed (via)
26 . I Built The Ultimate LEGO Dune Creation! (via)
27 . Innovative portrair art, artist @creativeboysonu Icreat this art by many holes on this paper (via)
28 . Water Tanker drops right on target. (via)
29 . I don’t carrot all.
30 . I Built a Luxury Chair Using Popsicle Sticks
31 . Subpixel Snake: The Web’s Smallest Game (via)
32 . An exciting smartphone case (making) (via)
33 . We convert a Mazda into a snowmobile (via)
34 . 1080💥💥Super stoked✨ (via)
35 . Chair Stop-Motion 🪑💨 Made with 444 pictures taken over 10 days
36 . 这个杂技表演把观众都看懵了,这平衡力做得真稳#杂技#台上一分钟台下十年功 #高难度动作 (Balancing Act) (via)
37 . Can my octopus solve a jar puzzle? (via)
38 . Clown playing drums with balls (via)
39 . Because 2 handstands isn’t difficult enought how about a 4 fingerstands
40 . bobbynoons (Man opening bottle with measure tape) (via)
41 . Full Speed Version as requested ⬆️ #hockey #pavelbarber (via)
42 . Extreme fast Paper Shredder (Tuning with 3500W Motor) (via)
43 . This insane trick by Anton Fomenko!
44 . Custom-made Skull Cowboy aged and textured in 100X felt
45 . I don’t know what bro is training for but he’s ready
46 . 🏭🥁 #industrial #shedmusic #vibrations (via)
47 . Robot drone fireworks (via)
48 . Let’s do it better this time… (Frozen Hair) (via)
49 . First test with the snow plow was a success #modeltrains (via)
50 . #fyp (dog driving skateboard down stairs) (via)
51 . now I am become Nerf, destroyer of nothing (via)
52 . Play it on repeat 🔁😂 (header goal) (via)
53 . Very handy way of using a pointing dog to help with housework
54 . Flatball 2018 No.01
55 . 🏄♂️🇺🇸 Flowing on the music and enjoying the rhythm of the winter vibes. (via)
56 . Hershey Bears 2025 Teddy Bear Toss (via)
57 . #scribi (art plotter) (via)
58 . I built an Omni-Directional Ball-Wheeled Bike
59 . Toyota GR Drifting Beamng drive (via)
60 . Look at this powder (via)
61 . The Southern US doesnt know how to handle these weather conditions
62 . 89° Edición Carrera del Pavo de Segovia (via)
63 . 🤔😱🤯🥰 @hittesh_patel Amazing🔥🔥 (via)
64 . When a cat plays better than you…😂
65 . 🔥 WORLD’S FIRST 🔥 How better to end off the year than with another World’s First from @rwilly?? (via)
66 . Make a Hole In One, Win $100,000! (via)
67 . WRAPPING WRAPPING SNIP SNIP SNIP ✂️ (@noarmsgirl) (via)
68 . ZBIOLAND watch #swissmade #watches #ZBIOLAND (via)
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