
Unterwegs mit Patrick "Bengel" Rasche

Mountainbiking: OUTLAW DIARIES III – Wild Wild East

Maik - 10.03.18 - 15:15
Mountainbiking: OUTLAW DIARIES III - Wild Wild East outlaw-diaries

Der deutsche Mountainbiker Patrick „Bengel“ Rasche war im dritten Teil der Bewegtbildreihe „Outlaw Diaries“ von El Flamingo Films in Russland unterwegs und hat einige satte Freeride-Abfahrten und vor allem geile Naturaufnahmen im Gepäck. Dazu ein paar Weisheiten und Meinungen aus dem Off – passt.

„He left his comfort zone in search for a place where he could be a pioneer again. A wild place, where no bike tire has touched the ground before. The east is calling. The Wild Wild East. Welcome to the wilderness of Kamchatka, Russia.“

Hier noch die ersten beiden Teile.

„Late spring ‚Bengel‘ came up with the idea of shooting a video of his view of freeride mountainbiking in the Sauerland area. He wanted to visit some never ridden spots and also build a few features to top it off. Whenever we both had a time slot we met up to get through the list – starting during the hottest period of the year, finishing a few weeks ago when the air was chilled and mother nature showed her most beautiful colors. This is a story far away from bikeparks and slopestyle tricks…“

„A new movie about our friend Patrick ‚Bengel‘ Rasche. After we published part I, we realised that we should continue the diary. Last year ‚Bengel‘ rode some gnarly spots in the ‚Sauerland‘ area and told us how many fucks he gives about certain things. This year we tried to find out what inspired him to become the rider he is today. Patrick lives in a very crowded area called the ‚Ruhrpott‘ in Germany. Even between big cities and industrial areas he finds spots to build stunts and ride steep terrain. But from time to time he needs to escape from this busy place…“

via: vimeo

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