Fotograf Dmitry Kokh hat auf der russischen Insel Koljutschin eine sehr besondere Begegnung gehabt. Die Suche nach Eisbären hat sich zunächst als schwierig erwiesen, doch dann haben er und sein Team welche entdecken können – in einer verlassenen Wetterstation!
„In September 2021 we got back from long awaited trip to Chukotka and Wrangel Island. Being the farest and most Eastern part of Russian Arctic, this place is very hard to get but also difficult to forget. We traveled by the sailing yacht along the coast and covered more than 1200 miles of untouched landscapes, villages lost in time, spots with various fauna and seas full of life. I always wanted to get some nice shots of polar bears, and that was the main target of our expedition. We expected to meet them mostly on Wrangel Island, famous all around the world for being home for many bears. Not this year, as we found out later – maybe because of the very cold summer. But nature always sending you something when you least expect it – when we passed through the Kolyuchin Island near the Northern coast of Chukotka, we saw some movements in the windows of the abandoned windows there. And when we got close – those were bears! Never before they were seen in those buildings, so that was once in a lifetime situation.“
Hier gibt es noch ein paar Fotos von dieser einzigartigen Begegnung zu sehen – und einige Worte zur Entstehung der Aufnahmen zu lesen. Größere Aufnahmen sowie die Möglichkeit, Prints davon zu kaufen, gibt es hier.
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