Wie sieht so ein Jahr in einem Vogelnest eigentlich aus? Purple Martin Conservation hat einen Zusammenschnitt veröffentlicht, der uns das Treiben in einem Purpurschwalben-Nest genauer zeigt. Inklusive Schlüpfen und Aufwachsen des Nachwuchses. Sieben kleine Küken in sieben Minuten Video – passt!
„2019 was a great year for our livestream nest, but not without drama. As you see in the video, we encountered a ‚capped egg‘, subadult martins causing problems, a nestling whose airway was blocked by a large dragonfly, a near miss by a hungry Cooper’s Hawk, and a House Wren intent on pecking the nestlings. Such is life for the Purple Martin, a struggle to survive in the face of habitat loss, predators, and competition. Incredibly these parents (nicknamed Carl and Jolene) successfully raised and fledged seven birds…the highest number we’ve witnessed.“
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