
Ein etwas anderes Videoportrait

Krasser Edit: „UKRAINE . Pretty Cool Place“

Krasser Edit: "UKRAINE . Pretty Cool Place" UKRAINE-pretty-cool-place-video

Luke Huxham verdreht das propagandische Tourismus-Klischee ins Abstruse, indem er mit „UKRAINE . Pretty Cool Place“ einen Abklatsch internationaler Klischees liefert, der voll wirrer visueller Ideen und kleiner, versteckter Details ist. Ich meine, alleine die „Rick and Morty“-Sonne, da zu Beginn im Hintergrund… Hammer!

„A BLUR OF MEMORIES from my time in Kyiv. Dedicated to all my AMAZING FRIENDS and the AWFUL STEREOTYPES and MISCONCEPTIONS the world has of this BEAUTIFUL part of the world.“

Ein Behind-the-Scenes-Video hat Huxham auch noch für uns, genau wie eine Einordnung des Gesehenen:

„If you can’t tell already, this film is a parody of how the rest of the world has painted Ukraine. Even I was brainwashed by the Hollywood stereotypes until I visited Kyiv. It’s a country that’s gone through so much turmoil, but it’s only made the locals stronger and more determined to turn things around. It isn’t just the vast amount of locations and lack of regulations that make Ukraine special, but more so the people and their attitude towards ‚getting things done.‘ Making this short film with no budget, no plans, just a plane ticket to Kyiv, and no warning for anyone involved was a blur, and after it was done, it felt like waking up from a coma. Forever thankful to my good friends in Kyiv, Ukraine.“

via: staffpicks

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