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Mountainbike-Ausflug: „HOME WILD HOME“

Mountainbike-Ausflug: "HOME WILD HOME" home-wild-home-mountainbike

Das italienische Fahrrad-Reisegepäck-Unternehmen Montanus nimmt uns mit auf einen sehr ansehnlichen und angenehm entspannten Mountainbike-Trip. Eine Reise mit schönen Landschaften und diesem gewissen Reise-Abenteuer-Gefühl. „HOME WILD HOME“ – für alle, die draußen daheim sind oder daheim drinnen vom Draußen träumen wollen, ohne das Haus verlassen zu müssen.

„Francesco and Giorgio, aka Montanus, decided to dedicate a video-tribute to the land where they were born and still live, celebrating the magnificent mountains where their desire to explore the wilderness has grown. ‘Home Wild Home’ is the latest film by Montanus, but it doesn’t tell of an expedition in a remote land like those they made in Patagonia and Iceland. Montanus duo created a sort of tribute in honor of their own land, filming the backyard trails that link their hometown L’Aquila, in central Italy, with the massif of Gran Sasso d’Italia, where highest peaks of Apennine mountains are located. In this mountain enviromental they started appreciating wilderness and developing the outdoor skills that has allowed them to travel and explore remote and wild lands. ‘Home Wild Home’ is more than a bikepacking film, it’s a sign of gratitude to their own land and an encouragement to the recovery of L’Aquila, hit by a devastating earthquake 10 years ago.“

via: staffpicks

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