„Buffalo Cauliflower, also known as Buffalo Cauliflower Wings, is based on Buffalo Wings, which are Chicken Wings in Hot Sauce. Who knew that combining food with hot sauce would taste good? Nobody did.“

Neuer Nonsense von You Suck At Cooking. Immer wieder erstaunlich, wie viele neue „Rezepte“ er so umzusetzen weiß. Einfach ein Alles-Könner! Und danke, ich habe trotz der akustisch abgeänderten Variante des Intro-„Songs“ mal wieder einen Ohrwurm, verdammt nochmal… Hier noch das ausführliche Prozedere des im Video zu sehenden Kochvorgangs zum Mitlesen und Parallel-Kochen:

•. To make this Buffalo Cauliflower, you can start with a small or medium sized cauliflower.
Rip it apart while making loud grunting sounds.
•. Combine two tablespoons of olive oil, 1 tablespoon of water, 2 teaspoons of garlic powder, and some salt in a bowl and wangjangle it until there’s no need for further wangjangling because you did a good job.
•. Combine the pre-buffalish elixir to the cauliflower in a bigger bowl and gallop around the house. Alternatively, you could have made the elixir in that big bowl to begin with. Now you’re thinking
Throw that cauliflower onto a parchment papered pan and bake it at 450 for 15 minutes.
• Meanwhile, make the Buffalo sauce: two tablespoons of melted butter and ½ cup of pepper sauce.
• Take that cauliflower out of the oven (unless you have an Automated Oven Sauce Dispenser), and put that sauce on the cauliflower in one way or another. You can brush it, spoon it, slather it, or whatever you want.
•. Bake it for another 8 minutes or until it’s the texture you like. A bit less for more of the natural cauliflower crunch, a bit more to make it soggier. The choice is yours, even if you make a bad one.
Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2020, 19:22 Uhr

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