Hier und da hätte es ein paar mehr Frames vertragen können, aber nichtsdestotrotz serviert uns Jonathan Lindgren mit „How to make Sushi“ eine sehr sehenswerte Animation, die eben genau das zeigt und in sieben Schritten erklärt: wie man Sushi selbst zubereitet.
„During the autumn of 2018, I designed a couple of frames based on the premise of a Sushi-chef. I grew really fond of them and a simple story kind of evolved from that. From just being a couple animation-tests, to a 2 minute short-film. Always being inspired by Japanese animation, this turned into an emulation of many years of reading manga and watching anime. Also seeing how the amazing craftsmanship and graphic design was used in Isle of Dogs definitely influenced me a lot while making this. Mixing that with my own style of design animation, it finally took this shape.“
Mehr zu diesem kleinen Animations-Projekt gibt es auf Behance zu erfahren.
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