
Kunstvolles Upcycling

Tier-Skultpuren aus Altmetall von Leah Jeffery

Tier-Skultpuren aus Altmetall von Leah Jeffery altmetall-skulpturen-Leah-Jeffery

Die US-amerikanische Künstlerin Leah Jeffery schnappt sich alte Metallteile, die auf der Müllkippe gelandet sind, um daraus tolle Kunstwerke zu erschaffen.

„There is something about taking what was discarded and giving it new life, which intrigues me. The process of finding different metal pieces of ‚trash‘ and seeing the potential of it being used in a sculpture and then trying to accurately create a sculpture that captures the life and attitude of an animal is a process that has my mind constantly working. The process is incredibly fun and has me constantly trying to come up with new ways to make pieces or create different features within the sculpture. When all the pieces come together to create the sculpture, I hope to instill depth so that the viewer may see the sculpture as a whole but on closer inspection be able to pick apart the varying odds and ends of the piece.“ (Artist Statement)

Weitere Arbeiten von Leah Jeffery gibt es in ihrem Bruised Reed Studio sowie auf dem entsprechenden Instagram-Profil oder auch auf Facebook zu bestaunen. Auf YouTube gibt es zudem auch immer mal Herstellungsvideos zu den Skulpturen, wie dieses hier:

Quelle: „COLOSSAL“

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