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Wenn Kinofilme im Hochformat gedreht worden wären

Wenn Kinofilme im Hochformat gedreht worden wären theverticalmovies-1

Leider hat die zunehmende Nutzung von Smartphones auch dazu geführt, dass heutzutage „vertical first“ gedacht wird, wenn es um Web-Content geht. Wie wohl Filmklassiker ausgesehen hätten, wenn sie für TikTok produziert worden wäre? Dieser Frage versucht der Account TheVerticalMovie zu beantworten. Mit smartem Zurechtschneiden und etwas KI-Unterstützung wird kurzerhand das 21:9-Blockbuster-Format auf den Kopf… naja, um eine Ecke gedreht.

Turning your favorite movies into TikToks!


The Beauty of Jurassic Park!!! An absolute classic! #Samneil #JeffGoldblum #Jurassic Park #Dinosaurs #film #cinema #movie #aesthetic #modernart #AI

♬ original sound – TheVerticalMovie


The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in 60 FPS! Behind-the-scenes facts about „The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring“: Extended Filming: Filming took place over 438 days in various locations across New Zealand, with the cast and crew working under intense and often harsh conditions. Viggo Mortensen’s Sword: Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn) insisted on using a real steel sword rather than a lighter, safer prop to make his performance more authentic. Language Mastery: The actors who played Elves, including Liv Tyler (Arwen) and Hugo Weaving (Elrond), learned to speak Elvish fluently for their roles. Sean Bean’s Fear of Flying: Sean Bean (Boromir) had a fear of flying, so he often chose to hike to remote filming locations, sometimes in full costume. Scale Doubles: To create the height differences between characters like Hobbits, Dwarves, and Humans, the filmmakers used scale doubles, forced perspective, and practical effects. Ian McKellen’s Academy Nomination: Ian McKellen, who played Gandalf, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, making him one of the few actors to be nominated for a performance in a fantasy film. Massive Miniatures: The film used detailed miniatures, known as “big-atures,” to create the stunning landscapes and structures, such as the Mines of Moria and Orthanc. Cameo Appearances: Director Peter Jackson makes a brief cameo as a villager in Bree, eating a carrot as the Hobbits arrive at The Prancing Pony. Elijah Wood’s Audition: Elijah Wood (Frodo) filmed his audition tape in a friend’s backyard, which included him wearing a pair of makeshift Hobbit feet. Liv Tyler’s Tears: Liv Tyler cried real tears during the scene where Arwen confronts the Black Riders, adding to the emotional intensity of the moment. #Lordoftherings #ringsofpower #Gandalf #frodo #aesthetic #wallpapers #60fps #cinema #films #cinematography

♬ original sound – TheVerticalMovie


➡️Why do people want to leave the Matrix? To start with I’ll address the movies explanation then we’ll get into a realistic analysis of what might be going through someone’s head. The movies posit that some people become criminals, computer hackers, and generally speaking rebel against society as whole because on some level they are aware that what they are seeing isn’t real. They don’t know about The Matrix consciously but they know on some instinctive level that something is very wrong so they try to fight the system they can see, society. It isn’t clear if this is some bug with the system where it doesn’t properly connect with certain individuals or a psychological phenomena but this sensation that reality is real eats away at people. The inability accept what is as described grows stronger over time until either they get pulled or suffer a psychotic breakdown. Some like Thomas Anderson who would come to be known as Neo responded by trying to find ways to rebel outside their 9am-5pm work life such as selling that computer program to that pimp looking guy that would get him out of parking tickets which staves off the crazy feelings. Others like Michael Popper, that kid who claims Neo saved him, eventually jump off a building only in his case Michael Popper managed to self-substantiate or in other words break himself free through willpower alone. Regardless there needs to be some kind of outlet or the person will eventually go crazy, kill themself, or otherwise be unable to function in any capacity. Getting to the real world is the ultimate release for these people. Like finally being able to relax a muscle that’s been tensed for their entire life that satisfaction even mixed with the horror of how bad it truly was is immense. More over it’s a complete validation of their condition up to that point. The shitty conditions on the outside are worth it to such people because they literally can’t live in the mind prison that is The Matrix. #TheMatrix #Matrix #Neo #Morpheus

♬ original sound – TheVerticalMovie


House of the Dragon Season 2 is COMING!!! June 16th!!! Finally!!! I turned the trailer, and make it into a „What if Houe of the Dragon was filmed on iPhone“ #Gameofthrones #houseofthedragonseason2 #HOTD #Houseofthedragon #HBO #targaryen

♬ original sound – TheVerticalMovie – TheVerticalMovie

Quelle: „Born in Space“

3 Kommentare

  1. Frank says

    Hochkantfilme – das möge der liebe Gott nicht wollen. Die Evolution gab mir zwei Augen, damit ich im Querfomat schauen kann. Das hat sich seit Ewigkeiten bewährt, nur derjenige, der für die Filmerei auf Handys den Programmcode geschrieben hatte, war auf einem Auge wohl blind :-(

  2. Pingback: Kinofilme im Hochformat - Was is hier eigentlich los

  3. nik says

    Fazit: viel verschenkter Raum, auch wenn die eine oder andere Szene etwas gewinnen mag. Unsere erfahrene Umwelt ist dann doch eher horizontal als vertikal verteilt.

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