Es gibt Neues aus der Küche von You Suck At Cooking. Hm, „Fettuccine Alfredo“ – mit Betonung auf „FETT“! Und alleine für das abgewandelte Intro lohnt es sich bereits, auf „Play“ zu drücken. Guten!
„Fettuccine Alfredo, as invented by Alfred Di Lelio in 1908, consists of pasta, butter, and parmesan. While it’s said he made it for his wife who wasn’t eating after giving birth, the truth is more likely that Mr. Alfredo had a cheese and butter addiction. While we may never know the ugly truth, we can continue to enjoy this delicious pasta dish one deadly bite at a time.
.5 parts pasta to
.25 parts butter to
.25 parts parmesan
Cook the pasta, strengthen your wrists, and then do all the things.
The original recipe called for parmesan aged 24 months, which is a young parmesan. I used one aged 36 months so it would taste slightly wiser. Don’t even both trying to make the original noodles. It’s WAY above your pay grade.“
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