

Tintenverlauf wie Luftaufnahmen: „SATELLIKE“

Tintenverlauf wie Luftaufnahmen: "SATELLIKE" SATELLIKE-tintenfilm

Roman De Giuli hat uns bereits einige sehr sehenswerte Aufnahmen geliefert. Jetzt hat er mit Farb-Pigmenten, Tinte und Wasser Farbverläufe entstehen lassen, die aussehen, als seien sie von Satelliten eingefangenen Landschaften. Entsprechend auch der Titel des Videos: „SATELLIKE“.

„This project was initiated by a job I did for the National Palace Museum of Taipeh. The museum ran an exhibition on culture treasures of the history of Taiwan in 2020. I was hired to create fluid and abstract interpretations of some iconic items, a collection of several drawings and artworks. I decided to develop my existing methods further, stepping away from stock paints and ink and creating most of the paints myself. One important aspect was to implement natural colors and realistic earth tones to the color palette and focus more on details than on a commercial look with punchy color and contrast. Over a period of 4 months, I experimented with natural substances like sand, stone powder and historic pigments. Some of these supplies are rare and expensive, for example jade and malachite powder. What you see in SATELLIKE are very long shots of watery ink in motion on several coats of half dried paint. Drying the paint leads to organic structures which can be brought to life again with water, ink and sour flow release mediums. The results look different from my usual approach, way more realistic and less otherworldly. I was excited about the aesthetics of the images and decided to do an individual piece. Although this is the final result for now, it feels more like I’m at the very beginning.“

via: kraftfuttermischwerk

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