
Musikvideo zu "Deep Diving"

The Snuts: Kurzweilige Albumankündigung & neue Single

The Snuts: Kurzweilige Albumankündigung & neue Single the-snuts-millenials-albumankuendigung

Wie bereits im Beitrag zu „NPC“ geschrieben, halten die bisherigen neuen Songs von den Snuts nicht ganz meine zugegeben hohen Erwartungen. Auch der neue Song „Deep Diving“ fällt eher in die Kategorie „netter Albumsong“ denn „mitreißende Hit-Single“. Aber schlecht ist das nun auch nicht. Vielleicht hätte ein sommerlicherer Releasezeitpunkt geholfen. Was aber besonders (und) kurzweilig geworden ist, ist die Ankündigung zum neuen Album!

Millenials“ (Partnerlink) wird das dritte Studioalbum von The Snuts heißen und am 23. Februar 2024 erscheinen. Hier das ausgefallene Ankündigungsvideo, weiter unten gibt es das offizielle Musikvideo zur Vorabsingle „Deep Diving“.

„It’s super hard to be transparent as a band online in 2023… or even just a human, and although our sound and the songs will always evolve and change, it’s been mad important to us that we stay true to the reasons we ever wanted to do this shit in the first place. We started writing new music in January and quickly realised that we could do this shit ourselves. There were loads of thoughts and emotions we had probably forgot to write about – or maybe we had become too distracted by the rat race. Either way, fuck it – from this OUR THIRD STUDIO ALBUM ‘MILLENNIALS’ was born, and we fucking loved making it for you. That’s what this one is – no ulterior motive, we wrote this one just for us and you. 10 songs that dip in and out of the simple idea of being alive and trying to find your feet in this crazy world. Whether you’re a millennial, gen Z or whatever – we all go through the same stuff. We think there’s something for everyone in there. Tunes for the OG’s that we owe it all to, and tunes for the troops that have joined us along the way. We really love this record, and we think you might just love it too.“

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