Dieses Video von Edwin Lee ist zwar bereits zwölf Jahre alt, grundsätzlich kann man aber schon ganz gut vergleichen, wie die im Anime „Ghost in the Shell“ dargestellten Hong-Kong-Sequenzen im echten Leben ausgesehen haben. Das wurde schon verdammt gut adaptiert, finde ich.
„I first watched Manga’s cult classic „Ghost in the Shell“ when I was a teen but only recently realised that the film’s city background is actually based on Hong Kong – my current place of residence. When it was made in 1995, it depicted a grimy, futuristic city. Now, 16 years later, it’s interesting to see how Hong Kong has physically changed. So I set out to try and recreate particular scenes from the film. The biggest differences between the film and now is that Hong Kong no longer has those awesome low-flying airplanes (airport moved in 1998) nor do we have canals and river boats – though we do have tramcar systems which is the obvious influence for Masamune. Not every shot could be faithfully recreated. Simply because it was an animation!“
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