
Interview mit Jens Siverstedt & Carl-Johan Fogelklou

kurzweil-ICH: Mando Diao

kurzweil-ICH: Mando Diao Mando-Diao-Interview_01

Mit Bassist Carl-Johan Fogelklou und Frontmann Björn Dixgård sind nur noch zwei der Gründungsmitglieder von Mando Diao in der Band. Neben Fogelklou hat sich Neu-Gitarrist Jens Siverstedt meiner Interviewfragen angenommen und ein wenig über das am Freitag erscheinende neue Album „Good Times“ (Partnerlink) und die neue Bandzusammensetzung gesprochen.

Mando Diao Interview

Maik: What signifies good times for you?

Mando Diao: The chemistry in the band and how we all put in our souls and hearts into the album.

What can people expect from your new record that will get released next Friday?

It’s a hell of a good record, new and fresh and it’s still in Mando Diao vein. it’s about 12 songs that are uncompromising ourselves.

With songs like “Break Us” or “Hit With Me With A Bottle” you put an unusual amount of ballads onto the album – how does that resonate with „good times“?

Good times doesn’t always have to be fast and frantic. We’re also thought to build a drama of the tracklist and we really feel those calmer songs bring dynamics to the album.

Your previous album “Aelita” had a different sound, nearly without any guitars. With “Good Times” we get to hear some original riffs again. Did you miss rock’n’roll?

We never left it! You always need some good riffs in your life! Riffs are the new black.

kurzweil-ICH: Mando Diao Mando-Diao-Interview_02

Who got the idea of putting yourselves onto the album cover in that “fantasy” way and can you explain to us, what the motive shall represent?

It was Bjoern’s idea at first but then we all together developed the idea to put us in our own Mando eden paradise with leaves, the centaur body and everything.

What is the main difference after the leave of Gustaf from the band in making music (in the studio and live on stage)?

If you lose one of the members the team is going to be different. It’s not necessarily a bad thing, but break ups are always hard you know… We never look back, we’re constantly on a move and we think about the album release, the festival shows and so on…

It seems that the focus on Björn’s singing got a lot more intense with him being the only lead vocalist in the band…

We’re really lucky that we still have our lead singer in the band. It’s been a super exciting experience to build our new album good times around his majestic voice. We love bjoern!

Shall fans of your “old sound” keep their hopes up to hear a harder sound again in the future or are you annoyed of people demanding “Down In The Past”-like tracks?

No. We’re not annoyed by peoples thoughts about us. It means that they care but we will never be a band who would copy & paste ourselves.

kurzweil-ICH: Mando Diao Mando-Diao-Interview_03

What would you prefer: To spend an evening with a person who doesn’t listen to music or with a person who doesn’t read books?

We’d rather spend time with someone who doesn’t read books.. You can listen to audiobooks. Touchee ;-)

Always my last question – based on the website being called „LangweileDich.net“ („BeBored.not“): What do you do when you feel bored?

Sitting at airports.

Thanks for the interview.

Beitrag von: Maik Dienstag, 9. Mai 2017, 15:41 Uhr

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