

Paparazzi-Enten auf Verfolgung

Paparazzi-Enten auf Verfolgung papparazzi-enten-doodle

Ich bin mir gar nicht sicher, ob das nun wirklich Enten oder doch nicht etwa Gänse oder so sind. Wie dem auch sei, LeopARTnik hat jedenfalls einen vortrefflichen Job gemacht, die total unauffällige Szene mit kleinen Doodles zu einem charmanten Paparazzi-Trip werden zu lassen.

„Hunter spotted two ducks in the pond. Carefully took his shotgun aimed and fired. Both ducks continued to sit. He aimed again and took another shot. Still, both ducks are sitting but now carefully watching him. Hunter aims again and fires one shot after another till the chamber is empty. Cloud of smoke clears away and he sees both ducks still sitting with no changes. Then one duck says: “ You should probably give up and go home, buddy. You will not be able to get us, we are under a spell“. Hunter goes: „No way! Who was able to put such a strong and solid spell on you guys“? Other duck answers: „Probably the same guy who taught you how to aim““

via: kraftfuttermischwerk

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  1. Pingback: Die besten Tier-Doodles von LeopARTnik - Best of 2022

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