Der Londoner Fotograf Tom Oldham hatte bereits Promi-Größen wie Dave Grohl vor der Linse, und doch dürfte dieses Projekt ein Besonderes gewesen sein. Nicht etwa, weil es sich um eine Auftragsarbeit handelt, die er für Playstation im Zuge des Releases von God Of War (Partnerlink) umgesetzt hat, sondern, weil er hautnah bei lebenswichtigsten Ereignissen dabei sein durfte. Die Emotionen, die sowohl werdende als auch frischgebackene Väter ausstrahlen, sind schon verdammt intensiv. Von ernster Sorge zu ultimativer Glücklichkeit – einfach nur schön!
„These portraits capture a really powerful moment in the lives of these men and aim to showcase the enormity of becoming a parent.“
Und ein paar Worte der Väter gab es auch noch on top (soll ja um den speziellen Bund zwischen Vater und Sohn gehen, der auch im Videospiel betont wird…).
Hector Adebambo, 32, Bromley
„For me, becoming a dad just kicked in naturally, it feels right. I’ve been speaking to my son for nine months and he’s finally here.“
Andy West, 36, Forest Hill
“I’ve instantly realized that having a child is going to have such a profound effect because I’m always going to be responsible for another person.”
Toan Lam, 34, New Cross
“When my son was born, my outlook on life changed instantly and I knew that I would need to be there every step of the way to see him grow. Becoming responsible for another human being is the most surreal experience; I can’t quite put it into words but I hope the portraits convey the magnitude of this feeling.”
Pedro Diego Fernandez, 34, Sydenham Hill
“The birth was much more overwhelming than I expected but I felt amazing as soon as I held my healthy son and saw him open his eyes. I just want to be the best man for my partner and baby.”
Federico Grillo, 34, Greenwich
“After the birth, as the adrenalin was wearing off, I felt like time had slowed down. I was holding my son and it just felt very peaceful. I know that fatherhood will motivate me to get the best for my family.”
Tom Chappell, 35, Hindley Green
“I think my priorities will change significantly now that I’m a dad. We only had ourselves to think about before but now everything will be considered with my daughter in mind… and rightly so.”
Weitere Arbeiten Oldhams finden sich auf seiner Website oder auch bei Instagram.
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