1984 kam der Macintosh 128k auf den Markt. Zwei Jahre, bevor ich auf die Welt gekommen bin. Bedeutet: Das Teil ist alt. Verdammt alt. Also, zumindest in Technik-Retrospektive. Retro-Charme hat es aber gar so viel, dass Thibaut Crepelle dem Kult-Gerät einen modernen Werbespot widmet. Mit fancy Animationen und allem drum und dran. Da bekommt man doch direkt Lust, tausende Dollar zu berappen, oder?!
“ wanted to pursue my idea of creating modern motion design stuff for vintage products. For this piece, since everything is a learning experiment, I wanted to tackle a bit of UI and ‚animated modeling‘. The Macintosh was the perfect product for this : it was produced in 1984, and was the first large-scale product Apple designed. When looking back at it, it is strikingly obvious how it was the founding stone of the whole Apple philosophy: design and user experience over everything. Today, its cubic design, its cute launch icon are elements well established in the computer horizon, and I wanted to pay an hommage to that classic piece of hardware.“
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Quelle: zwentner
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