Musikvideo: Gordi - "Extraordinary Life" gordi-Extraordinary-Life-musikvideo

Diesen Freitag wird mit „Our Two Skins“ (Partnerlink) das neue Studioalbum der australischen Singer-Songwriterin Gordi erscheinen. Die Single „Extraordinary Life“ schenkt uns nicht nur einen musikalischen Vorgeschmack darauf, sondern kommt auch mit einem Musikvideo daher.

„I was standing in a shower in a hostel in Ghent at 2am towards the end of 2017 and I started humming. I began recording the demo in stairwells across Europe while I was on tour with Asgeir and in most of the demo vocals you can hear distant chatter in Icelandic. For all the turmoil and anguish described in the record, this song just sits in pure joy. I like the idea that the ultimate gesture of love is to make someone feel exceptional; like they deserve an extraordinary life.“

Gordi „Extraordinary Life“ Lyrics

Your voice it came to me the clearest I had heard
Those many nights where I lay hanging from your every word
And in my bloodstream you did multiply and then
Walk down an avenue and take me to the end
It’s like you’re in my chest it’s like you’re in my lungs
Took something ordinary sent it for a run
The way I need you now is more than to survive
I want to give you an extraordinary life
A wave refracted a divergence underneath
Toward directions that took gravity away from me
Blind and the blinder breathed you in until the dawn
I’ll tell you now I won’t be back before I’m gone
And I will hold you closer than you have been held
And I will tell you then and now there’s no one else
And when you look at me the weight of how I fell weighs
Heavy on me


Directed and edited by Kasimir Burgess
DOP and colourist: Benjamin Bryan
Creative director: Ward Roberts
Produced by Kasimir Burgess and Adrian McGruther for su:ku:ya
Thailand executive producer: Joshua Dixon for MBrella Films
Thailand producer: Furn Kanlaya
Thanks to the Thailand Film Office
Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2020, 12:32 Uhr

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