
Leider kein Kürbis in Brotform

You Suck at Cooking: Pumpkin Bread

You Suck at Cooking: Pumpkin Bread pumpkin-bread-you-suck-at-cooking

Auch wenn es bereits bessere Ausgaben von You Suck at Cooking gab, bleibt auch die Runde 81 sehr unterhaltsam und originell, dazu ist Kürbisbrot ja ideal passend für die Jahreszeit und das anstehende Halloween (als hätte er sich beim hochladen des Clips was dabei gedacht…). Verrückt!

„Pumpkin bread is great for sandwiches, or on it’s own.“

Hier noch das komplette Rezept zum Nachbacken:

„To make pumpkin bread, heat the undo to 350.
Sift this stuff together in a bowl:
3 1/2 Cups all-purpose flour
2 Teaspoons baking soda
1 Teaspoons baking powder
⅔ teaspoon table salt
2 Teaspoons pumpkin pie spice
Combine this stuff with a hand mixer:
3/4 cup unsalted butter, softened
2 ½ cups Brown sugar
Then electro-wangjangle this stuff into that stuff (meaning the butter and sugar) until it’s one big bowl of glob sauce.
4 large eggs
1 15- Ounce can pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling)
½ cup water
Then add the dry ingredients slowly and rewang the jang out of it until it’s one smooth glob and get
1 cup of chopped walnuts in there.
Spray two loaf pans with non stick spray then pour the batter between them. Bake them for an hour. Check them with a tooth pick. If there’s not much stuff sticking to the toothpick, you’re good. Slide them out after a few minutes and let them cool for an hour or two.
Then eat them.“

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