Musikvideo: Will Joseph Cook - "Be Around Me" Will-Joseph-Cook-Be-Around-Me-musikvideo

Mit dem im August veröffentlichten Musikvideo zur Single „Something To Feel Good About“ konnte Will Joseph Cook bereits mein Interesse wecken, auch sein Folgetrack „Be Around Me“ weiß mit Charme, Smoothness und Knie-Wackel-Potenzial zu punkten. Am 27. November erscheint mit „Something To Feel Good About“ (Partnerlink) – yep, das heißt wie der erstgenannte Track – das zweite Album des positiv verschlafen wirkenden Briten.

„The song is about those moments when you’re teetering on the edge of falling for someone, the transition between playing it cool and showing vulnerability. I wanted it to be flirty but still have these bouts of nervous energy jumping out. The initial spark for the tune came from a craving to write something really pacey. So I cranked the BPM to 165 which very literally gave it this really frenetic flow. Basically for me, it sounds like how falling for someone feels.“

Directed & Edited by: Bertie Gilbert
Produced by: Reb Day & Cambria Bailey-Jones
Executive Producer: Guy Larsen
Director of Photography: Ciaran O’Brien
Art Director: Millie Johnston
Grip: Jamie MacLeod
Colourist: Ciaran O’Brien
A Penny4 Production


Hey – Hey,
How was your day?
Mine was fine but I think about you all the time,
Can’t get you out of my brain,
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me,
Hi – Hi,
How was your night?
Mine was wack then I thought about you – felt alright,
Can’t get you out of my mind,
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me,
Did I fuck it up again?
Are we destined to be friends?
I wanna give you more than that,
You a smokey tenny-ten,
And I’ve got some time to lend,
T.L.D.R – We should do this again,
Hey – Hey,
How was your day?
Mine was fine but I think about you all the time,
Can’t get you out of my brain,
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me,
Hi – Hi,
How was your night?
Mine was wack then I thought about you – felt alright,
Can’t get you out of my mind
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me,
Got me tripping on my tongue,
Watching denim come undone,
I have an idea,
Why don’t we just,
Stop the clocks when I take you home,
Sweep you off of your tippy toes,
T.L.D.R – I just wanna let you know,
I’ve fallen for you,
Hey – Hey,
How was your day?
Mine was fine but I think about you all the time,
Can’t get you out of my brain,
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me,
Hi – Hi,
How was your night?
Mine was wack then I thought about you – felt alright,
Can’t get you out of my mind
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me,
Take my heart and assess the damages,
Want you crawling up me,
Baby don’t stop now,
Days before you are pale in comparison,
I must adore you,
And honestly,
I heard November hates you,
And all the cloudy shit grey skies you break through,
Bet everybody knows you in June.
OMG did you call me baby?
Is that okay?
Yeah it’s cool,
I liked it,
Ahhh, (yeah)
Be Around Me,
Yeah I’m around-round-round,
Ooo – wee – ooo – wee – ooo,
I can’t get ya-get ya-get ya-get ya out of my mind,
I’m around,
Be around,
Come around,
Be around me.
Beitrag von: Maik Mittwoch, 9. September 2020, 13:00 Uhr

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  1. Pingback: Musikvideo: Will Joseph Cook – „4AM“ - Gute Aussichten

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