
Leichtes Sommerfeeling

Musikvideo: Will Joseph Cook – „Something To Feel Good About“

Maik - 13.08.20 - 8:20
Musikvideo: Will Joseph Cook - "Something To Feel Good About" Will-Joseph-Cook-Something-To-Feel-Good-About-musikvideo

Am 27. November 2020 wird mit „Something To Feel Good About“ (Partnerlink) das neue Album von Will Joseph Cook erscheinen. Jetzt hat der junge Brite den Titeltrack samt selbstproduziertem Musikvideo veröffentlicht, der eine ideale musikalische Note für einen Sommertag darstellt, wie ich finde.

„So many relationships had to morph into long distance ones this year, even for those who lived in the same city. Video calling and text was everything, the thing we looked forward to the most and probably the only thing keeping us sane. ‘Something To Feel Good About’ fitted all those emotions so perfectly, so my girlfriend and I were just having fun reflecting our experience into this super phone-themed video. We used the most iconic fonts from Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat for all the text. It felt cool for the whole video to exist in phone land, even in the edit. Even all the footage was just sent back and forth through WhatsApp. Making it cheered us up a lot, so I’m hoping people relate and feel what we felt when they watch it.“

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  1. Pingback: Musikvideo: Will Joseph Cook – „Be Around Me“

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