
Neues Video von Mike Olbinski

Sturmlapse: „Vorticity 3“

Sturmlapse: "Vorticity 3" Vorticity-3-sturmlapse

Vor exakt(!) einem Jahr hatte ich euch hier im Blog noch „Vorticity 2“ gezeigt, jetzt hat Sturmjäger und -Filmer Mike Olbinski den dritten Teil seiner sehenswerten Naturgewalten-Videoreihe veröffentlicht.

Und gaaanz viel dazu geschrieben hat er auch noch:

„This past spring was definitely a crazy time. I wasn’t even sure how much I’d be able to chase with everything going on, but luckily the storms waited until the middle of May to truly get going and things seemingly had gotten much better then and made chasing possible. One thing you will notice in this film is a lack of tornadoes. It was a bad year for them right up until July when I stopped chasing! But the structure was magnificent. So many legendary days. I wasn’t even planning on doing a film this year, as I was figuring to do what I did with the previous Vorticity: Wait to gather up two years worth of footage in order to give you nothing but the very best. Incredibly, this year was so good, I had no idea how NOT to do a film, because if next year was anywhere close, I’d be making a 30 minute movie or having to leave a ton of clips on the cutting room floor. So I started to work on it, first with the music as always…and I love Ryan Taubert. His album „Fool“ actually had four tracks on it I love, but individually they didn’t quite have it all. So I spent a few hours, blended four of them, came up with a nine minute song and boom, went to work! I wanted to do something a little more methodical, slower paced and majestic this time, fitting with the music and the footage. I hope you enjoy that! The lightning was off charts this year for me, so much night-time structure and awesomeness, plus the daytime supercells were incredible. I want to big time thank my partner in crime this year for about two weeks, Brett Wright. He helped me with our tiny little one-guest tours this year, and having him along to help drive, forecast and make on-the-fly decisions was much appreciated. Moreover, incredibly thankful for our friendship. And to Deran and Kristy, thanks for tagging along! Seeing your reactions and yes, even tears in Kristy’s case, was inspiring! Thanks to my YouTube peeps, the channel has really exploded this spring, and I appreciate and love all the comments and feedback, despite a few crazies tossed in there :)“

Quelle: channels

Beitrag von: Maik Samstag, 1. August 2020, 19:09 Uhr

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