Synchronschwimmen-Luftaufnahmen von Brad Walls Water-Geomaids-Brad-Walls_01

Letztes Jahr hat uns Fotograf Brad Walls aka Bradscanvas bereits sehenswerte Arbeiten präsentiert, die Swimming Pools sowie Ballerinas aus der Luft gezeigt haben. In gewisser Weise werden diese beiden Themenfelder in der neuesten Reihe des Australiers miteinander kombiniert. Wasser + Tanz = Synchronschwimmern. Die grazile Eleganz des Ballet trifft auf… Swimmingpools. „Water Geomaids“ heißt die neue Bilderserie, von der ich euch hier einige Motive zeigen darf. Sehr schön, wie die harte Poolkante aus der Vogelperspektive mit der Eleganz der Schwimmerinnen bricht. Dazu ein bisschen Minimalismus gepaart mit geometrischen Formen – passt!

„Walls teamed up with a Sydney-based Synchronised Swimming team choreographed by Katrina Ann, a former competitor who has competed at the Commonwealth Games and in multiple World Championships. Ann took no convincing to work with Walls, saying ‚Artistic swimmers spend hours every day working to achieve perfection. With Brad’s eye for detail, perspective and creativity, we were able to showcase our hard work that is often lost to the naked eye.‘ Walls began pinning ideas that were composed of many artistic sports – not just synchronised swimming – and inspired him to draw out the geometric shapes he wanted to form on paper and create in the pool. Utilising these drawings, Walls and Ann collaborated closely together in order to bring the drawings to life, with Walls saying that ‚When working Katrina, our aim was to cherry-pick static positions from routines that build repetition of form and geometric sequences.‘ Walls meticulously plans out all of his shots beforehand with a similar method, but regarding the majority of the shoot, he states that “80% is planned, 20% is impromptu“, additionally commenting that ‚No matter the amount of planning that goes into it, there will always be an unplanned frame that looks awesome and couldn’t possibly have been planned. That is the embodiment of art.'“ (Artist Statement)

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Synchronschwimmen-Luftaufnahmen von Brad Walls Water-Geomaids-Brad-Walls_10

Weitere schöne Fotografien gibt es auf der Website von Brad Walls zu sehen, der natürlich auch auf Instagram digital anzutreffen ist.

Bilder: Brad Walls.

3 Kommentare

  1. Pingback: Fotografien von Mária Švarbová - Spiel mit dem Wasser

  2. Pingback: Fotoreihe „Detached, in harmony.“ von Brad Walls - Auf dem Trockenen sitzen

  3. Pingback: Fotoreihe „Aqualillies“ von Brad Walls - Angeordnetes Synchronschwimmen

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