
"Around the Block"

Videoportrait über Street Artist David Zinn

Videoportrait über Street Artist David Zinn Around-the-Block-kreide-street-art-david-zinn

Die tollen mit ihrer Umgebung spielenden kleinen Werke von Street Artist David Zinn hatte ich bereits ein paar Mal hier im Blog, sei es im Rahmen der „Bilderparade“ oder in „Kleinigkeiten“ verlinkt. Jonnie Lewis hat dem Kreativen jetzt mit „Around the Block“ ein Videoportrait spendiert, das uns am Inspirations- und Umsetzungs-Prozess der Kreide-Arbeiten teilhaben lässt.

„‚Around the Block‘ is a passion project of mine that focuses on street artist David Zinn. I began work on it through my own sense of creative frustration, with the loose idea being ‚I want to go and make a film about a street artist‘. But when it came to editing it, it felt more apt for it to become an analogy for what it’s like to be involved in the creative process that perhaps anyone in a creative industry can identify with. Much like David finds inspiration in the cracks, streaks and specks on the pavement, I personally find that getting out and finding shots with a camera in my hand is far more fluid and inspiring than sitting at home and trying to come up with ideas. The final piece is no longer a film specifically about street art, but a study of the process involved in making ideas come to life – told through a tour of David’s world alongside the characters that live within it. If nothing else, hopefully it encourages someone else to go out and create something just… because.“

via: staffpicks

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