
"Mine Right Now" von Sigrid

Wenn der Regisseur den Popstar beim Musikvideo-Dreh ersetzen muss

Maik - 27.06.19 - 10:10
Wenn der Regisseur den Popstar beim Musikvideo-Dreh ersetzen muss sigrid-mine-right-now-musikvideo

Das ist mal ein sehr schöner Fall von „das Beste draus machen“ oder zu Neudeutsch „When life gives you lemons…“. Beim angedachten Musikvideo-Dreh zur neuen Sigrid-Single „Mine Right Now“ war alles am Start – bis auf Sigrid selbst. Weil man geplante Dinge schlecht aufschieben kann, ist kurzerhand und notgedrungen der Regisseur selbst eingesprungen. So richtig Bock drauf hatte Max Siedentopf augenscheinlich nicht, aber das Ergebnis ist auf diese Art sehr unterhaltsam geworden und dürfte wahrscheinlich für mehr Views sorgen, als das eigentlich angedachte Videokonzept.

„We spent over one month planning the shoot which took place in mountains in Bulgaria. Our crew of over 40 people arrived a few days before the shoot to build all kinds of wonderful sets, but the night before the shoot everything changed. We found out that Sigrid wasn’t going to make it to the shoot due to several delayed and cancelled flights. A crew of over 40 people were left ready to shoot but with no artist to film. We could’ve decided to call it a day and just go home, but instead I was forced to take on the role of Sigrid and play her throughout the entire video. A funny irony as I usually come up with ideas but never have to play them myself. As you can imagine, everything is terribly out of sync and my dance moves are so awkward they make you cringe, and my biggest fear is singing in public – you’ll never ever see me doing Karaoke! However that wasn’t the only thing that went wrong, during the shoot we had big weather storms, our sets collapsed, we got chased from the mountain by park rangers, there was a serial killer on the loose in the area, my dog passed away and so much more. The shoot quickly turned into the FYRE festival of music videos but we decided to just keep on going and going and make a video for Sigrid. Big thanks goes out to my amazing team who all had the nerves, patience and humour to go through with this. I hope you enjoy it.“ (Max Siedentopf)

via: EigentlichenPopstarausdemMusikvideovertreib

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