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You Suck at Cooking: Crepes (Episode 123)

You Suck at Cooking: Crepes (Episode 123) you-suck-at-cooking-crepes

Es gibt Neues aus der Küche von You Suck At Cooking. Hier der neue Gang, als Video serviert: Crepes, die dünnen Pfannkuchen der Franzosen – Bon appétit!

„Crepes are a not just a thin edible pancake. They’re not a cake at all. They’re a crepe.“



1 large egg
⅓ up flour
¾ cup milk

„This will make around 4 decent sized crepes
Make raw egg pudding with the egg and flour
Add a bit of the milk and Wangjangler until smooth
Repeat until you have no milk left
Let the batter sit for an hour if you’re a baby who loves following the rules
Put a small amount of butter in a pan on medium heat, then wipe it out with a paper towel, or an expensive silk scarf
Pour some batter in and swirl it. For a medium large pan around ¼ to ⅓ cup of batter will be enough. For a 37 foot pan you’ll need ten gallons of batter
Cook until crispy crusticles start to form
But you can probably skip blowing and also don’t use your fingers if you’re worried about burning yourself. Just use a spatula or try to flip it in the pan…but honestly good luck lol you’re not that good at flipping.
Cook the other side just a bit and then you know, stuff it or roll stuff in it, or fold stuff in it, or make crepe origami. Your call“

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