Animierter Kurzfilm: "Drawn to You" drawn-to-you-kurzfilm

Ein Kurzfilm mit liebevoller Animation, einer gehaltvollen und originell erzählten Geschichte sowie einem gewissen Meta-Ebene-Spiel gefällig? Dann schaut euch doch mal „Drawn to You“ (2019) an!

„Young Emily didn’t see anything wrong with her drawing of two girls holding hands, but her mother saw otherwise and tore both the paper and her child’s heart in two. Little did they know, the drawings had come alive and are determined to reunite with one another across the vast bedroom of pages, no matter what risk comes their way. An adventurous and heartwarming tale, “Drawn to You” shows audiences both the struggles and joy that comes with being true to your heart, and not letting others tell you who to be.“

Director/Writer: Eleanor Davitt
Production Manager: Chris Tran
Storyboard Lead: Alysa Sotes, Eleanor Davitt
Character Design Lead: Alysa Sotes
Art Director: Jules Nin
Color Script: Jules Nin
Rigging Lead: Chris Tran
Layout Lead: Jules Nin, Felix Mernieks
Animation Lead: Jimmy To, Alysa Sotes
Music Composer/Producer: Thomas Hsu
Compositing: Jimmy To, Eleanor Davitt, Chris Tran
FX: Eleanor Davitt
Editing: Eleanor Davitt
Mirror Mountain Film Festival 2019 – Official Selection
Mirror Mountain Film Festival 2019 – Best Film
Alberta International Women’s Film Festival 2019 – Official Selection
Alberta International Women’s Film Festival 2019 – Audience Choice Award
Hamilton Film Festival 2019 – Official Selection
Toronto Queer Film Festival 2019 – Official Selection
Image+Nation Film Festival 2019 – Official Selection
TAAFI Film Festival 2020 – Official Selection
LGBT Feedback Festival 2020 – Official Selection
Damn These Heels Festival 2020 – Official Selection

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