

Neue Sturmlapse von Mike Olbinski: „Shadows In The Sky“

Neue Sturmlapse von Mike Olbinski: "Shadows In The Sky" shadows-in-the-sky-sturmlapse

Tolles neues Timelapse-Video von Mike Olbinksi (zuvor hier im Blog, der uns dieses Mal mit schwarz-weiß gehaltenen Wolken und einem sehr epischen Soundtrack auf das einstimmt, das dann am Ende des Videos abgeht. Wunderschön!

„Sometimes it takes you months to find the correct song for your next project and other times you find it in about three minutes. When I heard The Last Goodbye, the haunting melody and gorgeous vocals, not to mention the cinematic feel leading to a pulse-pounding finale, I knew instantly I wanted to use this for a black and white film. Interestingly enough, while I love making these monochrome films, I’ve had this newfound love of color in storms, the variety, the stunning tones of greens, blues, oranges, reds and everything in-between. So as I was making this film entirely in black and white, I kept getting this unsatisfied feeling. I decided to try something new about halfway through, when the song’s pace slowly increases, and I hope it’s something you enjoy!“

via: thisiscolossal

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