Joerg Daiber nimmt uns mal wieder mit auf einer Station seiner „LittleBigWorld„-Tour (zuvor hier im Blog). Dieses Mal geht es ins „Amazing Azerbaijan“, wo die Leute ebenfalls sehr klein und quirlig unterwegs sind. Ich liebe Videos in Tilt-Shift-Optik einfach!
„Azerbaijan has been my favorite country on my Caucasus trip a while back. The people have been incredibly welcoming. The mountain landscapes are just breathtaking and some sites like the mud volcanoes lilterally look like out of this world. The contrast from mountain villages that feel like time traveling to a fancy bling bling city like Baku could not be any bigger. However, see for yourself and enjoy this ride through this amazing country in only 3 minute. Shooting locations: Baku, Mud Volcanoes in Qobustan, Khinalig (Xınalıq) and Sheki.“
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