Junya Watanabe hat eine Herren-Linie für die 2022er Herbst-Winter-Phase erstellt, an der nicht nur Jamiroquai-Frontmann Jay Kay mitgearbeitet hat, sondern zu der man auch eine astreine Kopie des „Virtual Insanity“-Musikvideos in Form einer kleinen Modeschau hingelegt hat. Okay, die gleitenden Möbel fehlen dann leider doch… Aber getanzt ist das einwandfrei!
„Remixing the fashion style of Jay Kay. This collection is created in association with Jay Kay of Jamiroquai. The name Jamiroquai is derived from the combination of a jam session and the name of a Native American tribe, the Iroquois. Jay Kay founded Jamiroquai in 1992, establishing his music as well as his own fashion style showing appreciation not only for the Iroquois but also the various indigenous cultures of the world. In order to realize some of our ideas, we invited participation from The Secretariat of Culture of Mexico as well as the renowned Pendleton Woolen Mills“
Quelle: itsnicethat
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