La Palma im 4K-Timelapsevideo

Wolkenteppiche und Sternenhimmel

Wolkenteppiche und Sternenhimmel ENTRE-CIEL-ET-TERRE

„ENTRE CIEL ET TERRE“ ist ein wahnsinnig toll anzusehendes Stück Timelapse-Video von Adrien Mauduit. Er schafft es, die Natur La Palmas in all seinen Facetten einzufangen. Von den wie zuckerwatte daher wiegenden Wolkendecken bis hin zum sich drehenden Sternenhimmeln. Dabei überzeugt er mit abwechslungsreichen Shots, die dafür sorgen, dass es nicht zu einer endlos erscheinenden und langweilig zu werden drohenden Aneinanderreihung wahlloser Zeitraffer-Sequenzen wird. Schön!

„There are only a few regions in the world where the skies meet the Earth with almost no distinction between the two. La Palma in the Canary islands is one of them. ‘Entre Ciel et Terre’ literally means ‘Between the sky and Earth’ and was a perfect fit here. While most of the volcanic island is isolated under a thick layer of clouds, the tip of its crater often punches through it and allows you to be one step closer to the Heavens. At an altitude of about 2300 meters above sea level you feel so far removed from any kind of civilization especially because of the cloud inversion. The air is thin and pristine and the living conditions are harsh but that’s the reason why the ORM (Observatory Roque de Los Muchachos) -operated by the IAC (Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias) and part of the European Northern Observatory, was built up there. The summit of La Palma’s caldera benefits from dry and clear skies almost year round with almost no light pollution to disturb it, and only rare Calima (this dusty wind coming from the Sahara desert). It’s safe to say that the ‘Isla Bonita’ is one of the top places in the world to observe the northern hemisphere’s night sky!“

via: kuriositas

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