Zoetrope-Musikvideo aus 129 drehenden Schallplatten said-the-whale-record-shop-musikvideo

Schönes Ding von Johnny Jansen für die Band mit dem sympathischen Namen „Said The Whale“. Für deren Track „Record Shop“ wurden 129 Schallplatten beklebt und abgespielt, so dass der gute alte Zoetrope-Effekt eintritt und die Bilder laufen lernen.

„The idea was to use this effect to create an entire music video on a 45rpm record player using a series of spinning vintage records. Through a lot of trial and error and countless hours of experimentation, we developed a system to create a connected sequence of animated records that would actually sync up with the music. Once we figured out that process, we then had to produce 129 12-inch stickers, each with their own stroke information that would allow a machine to cut out the edges around the subjects on the stickers so we could see the unique vinyl texture on each vintage record. From there, we spent hours peeling off and discarding the extra sticker material cut by the machine. We then filmed each record at multiple angles spinning for approximately 1.3 seconds and then combined them all to create the final video you see today.“

via: kraftfuttermischwerk

Beitrag von: Maik Freitag, 21. Juni 2019, 12:04 Uhr

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