

Musikvideo: Glass Mansions – „Standing O“

Maik - 29.12.22 - 19:45
Musikvideo: Glass Mansions - "Standing O" Glass-mansions-Standing-O

Die US-amerikanischen Pop-Punker von Glass Mansions liefern mit „Standing O“ eine kraftvolle Message, die auf den 1963er Klassiker „You Don’t Own Me“ von Leslie Gore aufbaut. Kann man mal aufdrehen!

„‘Standing O’ is our modern times continuation of Leslie Gore’s ‘You Don’t Own Me.’ Having both experienced and witnessed the abuse of power by men in notable positions, both in and out of the music industry, I wrote this song at a time when I felt peak exhaustion and frustration as someone that identifies as female. Repeatedly encountering being gaslit, my worth dismissed, groomed, talked down to publicly all while watching this new rise of oppression in our country being force-fed to us by the media by these performative men in power — our voice is the most powerful thing we have in fighting back. Speaking up for ourselves, speaking up for others, voting, marching, protesting, pushing back against the patriarchy is how we reclaim our power. This song is a call for a sarcastic standing ovation to applaud oppressors for thinking they have more power at the end of the day than they actually do. We still have our voice.“

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