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Slowmotion-Kampf ums Futter: „Game of Seeds 2020“

Slowmotion-Kampf ums Futter: "Game of Seeds 2020" game-of-seeds-2020

Scott Franks hatte notgedrungen etwas viel Zeit und hat das Beste draus gemacht: Ein Upgrade der eher enttäuschenden finalen Staffel dieser einen Fantasy-Serie da. Wie hieß die noch gleich…? Ach ja! „Game of Seeds“! Inklusive High-Budget-Slowmotion-Aufnahmen, einem epischen Action-Soundtrack und eben dem Kampf um den steinernen(?) Thron. Ab dafür!

„When Covid-19 hit it kill my photography business for the summer. On top of that, I have asthma. So like every other „high risk“ person on this planet, I had to stay indoors for quite a long time. Having a tone of time and little to fill it with I searched for a project. After a bit of research, I found out the top quarantine activity was bird watching. I love documentaries about wildlife and I am a photographer, so bird watching sounded like a good fit. However, standing in the backyard peering through a pair of binoculars and writing things down in a book does not sound like fun to me. It also looks creepy when you live in the city. I decided to do my own version of bird watching using my new iPhone 11 and its amazing cameras to record these elegant winged creatures. When I recorded them at 240 fps I could see how hard birds had to fight to service. So this is my new hobby. Showing the craziness that exists everywhere in the animal kingdom. „

via: cartoonland

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  1. Pingback: Das Lied von Korn und Hörnchen: Game of Seeds 2020 bei Seitvertreib

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