
300 Jahre Drahtesel-Evolution

Animierte Geschichte des Fahrrads

Animierte Geschichte des Fahrrads Evolution-of-the-bicycle

Schöne kleine Arbeit des dänischen Animationsstudios Visual Artwork, die 300 Jahre Entwicklungszeit des Fahrrads binnen einer Minute darstellen. In schicker und minimalistisch illustrierter Animation. Schon interessant, wie aus dem Holzpferd ein Drahtesel geworden ist.

„A bicycle is a two wheeled, human-powered vehicle, with one wheel behind the other.“

Visual Artwork haben noch einige interessante Anmerkungen zu den einzelnen Evolutionsstufen gemacht:

The first track of the bicycle goes back to 1493 where Leonardo da Vinci made a sketch of a very advanced bicycle. This is not proven to be true though. So is there many uncertainties on when and who invented the bicycles improvements along it’s history.

00:05 – 00:12
1790, A Frenchman named Comte Mede de Sivrac says to be the first to attach two wheels in each end of a piece of wood. This creation is referred as “Velocifere” or “Celerifere”
1817, The German Karl Drais von Sauerbronn built the first steerable bicycle, the “Draisine”. He’s particular model is not shown in this animation though.

00:23 – 00:25
1818, In England, Denis Johnson improved the draisine. He’s model, “Dandy Horse” had bigger wheels and was lighter.

00:30 – 00:32
1839, Scottish, Kirkpatrick MacMillan is believed to be the inventor of the first pedal-driven bicycle, inspired by the locomotive.

00:34 – 00:36
1866, Pierre Lallement’s velocipede “The Boneshaker” is one of the first bicycles with pedals attach to the front wheel. He’s fellow landsman Pierre Michau invented a similar model around the same time and it is unclear who really was the first to put pedals on a wheel, although it is quite curtain it’s from France.

1869, The Frenchman Eugene Meyer has the credit for inventing the first high-wheeled bicycle, the famous “Penny-Farthing”. English, James Starley did a lot of further improvements on the high-wheelers and in 1870 he invited the “Ariel”.

00:43 – 00:44
1880-85, G. W. Pressey invented the “American Star” bicycle followed with the “Pony Star Bicycle” by William S. Kelley

00:46 – 00:47
1879, Harry J. Lawson’s bicyclette was one of the first chain driven bicycles.

00:49 – 00:50
1891, W. Scantlebury

00:51 – 00:52
1885, J.K. Starley “Rover Safety Bicycle”
1890 C. D. Rice

/// via: itsrap

3 Kommentare

  1. Roy says

    Eine Geschichte des Fahrrads OHNE DRAIS ist ja wohl vollkommener Blödsinn!

    • Maik says

      Danke für den Hinweis, musste ich zwar googeln, aber hätte vermutlich tatsächlich als „Erfinder des Ur-Fahrrads“ rein gemusst.

  2. Pingback: Die Entwicklung des Fahrrads über die letzten 300 Jahre (Video)

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