
Spektrale Visualisierung

„Drawing on Autism“

"Drawing on Autism" drawing-on-autism

Erfreulicherweise hat sich in Sachen Inklusion in den letzten Jahren einiges getan. Zumindest sind Minderheiten und Menschen mit körperlichen oder geistigen Beeinträchtigungen präsenter im medialen Kosmos geworden. Und es haben sich Diskussionen darüber entwickelt, wie zum Beispiel Menschen, die sich auf dem Spektrum befinden, dargestellt werden sollten. Alex Widdowson hat sich dem komplexen Thema angenommen und eine experimentelle Dokumentation geschaffen. „Drawing on Autism“ weiß mich dabei vor allem mit dem vielseitigen Einsatz unterschiedlicher Grafikstile einzufangen. Zum Arbeitsprozess am Video hat der Filmemacher folgendes gesagt:

„Drawing on Autism is an investigation into the ethics of representation in animated documentaries. Although I am neurodivergent, I’m not autistic, so when working with my anonymous participant, an autistic friend, I needed to be mindful of well-rehearsed and problematic autism tropes. These tropes seem to say more about the desires and needs of neurotypical audiences or filmmakers than they do about the autistic subjects. Moreover, animation presents a distinct set of ethical dilemmas. Without the mechanical indifference of a camera, the act of observation is substituted for expressive or symbolic representation. A mode of representation where the artist is responsible for how the documentary participant looks, where they appear, and what they do. Through collaborative feedback I attempt to share these responsibilities with my participant, while making use of positional and textual reflexivity to equip my audiences with the information they need to scrutinise my documentary interventions.“

Awards and Accolades:
Winner – UK Research & Innovation: Research in Film Awards 2021 – Best Doctoral and Early Career Film
Winner – Rising of Lucitania AnimaDoc Film Festival 2022 – Best AnimaDoc Blue Ribend Award (Student Jury)
Nominated – Edinburgh International Film Festival 2022 – Norman McLaren Award for Best British Animation
Nominated – UK Research & Innovation: Research in Film Awards 2021 – Best Animated Film
Official Selection:
Rhode Island International Film Festival 2021 (Premier)
Raindance 2021
Hot Springs Documentary Film Festival 2021
New Orleans Film Festival 2021
Berlin Festival of Animation 2021
Spark Animation 2021
Factual Animation Film Festival 2021
Montreal International Animation Festival 2021
Big Cartoon Festival 2021
London Short Film Festival 2022
Fargo Film Festival 2022
Cinemagic ON THE PULSE Short Film Festival 2022
Edinburgh International Film Festival 2022
Directed, produced, and animated by Alex Widdowson
Sound design and music by Vicky Freund
Additional animation by Ciara Kerr
Additional art direction by Dan Castro
Made with support from Autism through Cinema, Queen Mary University of London, and the Wellcome Trust
Alex Widdowson © 2021

Quelle: „vimeo staffpicks“

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