
Skurrile Mais-Speisen

You Suck at Cooking: Corn on the Cob 5 Ways (Episode 114)

Maik - 19.08.20 - 15:09
You Suck at Cooking: Corn on the Cob 5 Ways (Episode 114) you-suck-at-cooking-maisspeisen

Neues aus der Küche von You Suck At Cooking – wobei, dieses Mal auch aus dem Garten, wo der Grill steht. Denn passend zum Sommerwetter setzt es Mais. Einige Kolben und skurrile Variationen…

„The cob is one of the greatest corn delivery systems ever discovered. It’s also one of the only things corn grows on. While one day corn will grow everywhere and on everything, including our own bodies, for now we’ve got the cob which is just fine. Corn on the cob is just fine. „

1. Boil corn for 7 minutes and add salted butter
2. Grill corn until a bit charred and add salted butter, lime, and chilli
3. Grill corn until a bit charred and add butter and smoke paprika
4. Elotish: Grill until a bit charred then mix mayo, sour cream (or crema if you have it), ancho chilli powder, and cilantro. Paint the corn like Bob Ross then sprinkle on feta (or cotija if you have it) and a squeeze of lime.
5. Grill corn until a bit charred. Use your rolling pin to turn Flaming Hot Cheetos unto dust then roll your corn through it. Then it it, and regret it, or don’t because it tastes good and regret is a waste of time.

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