
Say "cheeeeese“!

You Suck at Cooking: Creamy Macaroni and Cheese (Episode 133)

You Suck at Cooking: Creamy Macaroni and Cheese (Episode 133) You-suck-at-cooking-mac-and-cheese

Es gibt Neues aus der Küche von You Suck At Cooking. Hier der neue Gang, als Video serviert: „Creamy Macaroni and Cheese“ – Guten!


„My favorite part of macaroni and cheese is the macaroni and also the cheese.


2 cups macaroni, boil it in pre salted ocean water (or post salted tap water) according to the instructions minus a minute probably.

2 tablespoons butter melted in sauce pan on low
2 tablespoons flour tappety tapped into the pan while whangjangling until smoothly combined and cooked for a couple minutes
1.5 cups milk slowly added and it will clump then eventually smooth and I hope you haven’t stopped whiskjangling
½ teaspoon of salt
pepper pepper pepper
1 teaspoon dijon or mustard powder
¾ teaspoon of garlic powder
¾ teaspoon of chili powder
Or just go buck wild and add more as the amount I’ve added doesn’t really do justice to the STELHOOI method
Keep whangjangling that until it thickens
1 to 2 cups of shredded sharp or old cheddar, depending on how much of a maniac you are, whangjangle that in and kill the heat…
Then use your syringe to inject each noodle with cheese sauce and feel proud“

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